Why UK oaks are so special
There are around 170 million oak trees in UK woodland supporting over 2,300 species of bird, mammal, fungi, invertebrate, bryophyte and lichens.
Oaks shape our landscape
There are around 170 million oak trees in UK woodland, with almost 1 million in London alone. The UK has more ancient oak trees than all other EU countries combined.
Oaks support our environment
38 oak trees need to be grown to absorb the carbon emissions of the average car.
Oak trees are the UK's most important tree for biodiversity, supporting around 2,300 species, consisting of 38 bird species, 229 bryophytes, 108 fungi, 1178 invertebrates, 716 lichens and 31 mammals. This is more than any other native tree species.
Oaks have shaped our history
Over 5,000 oaks were used in the construction of HMS Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Around 660 tons of oak timber were used to build the hammer-beam roof in Westminster Hall in 1393.
Oak is the third most common broadleaf tree in woodland and the most common tree species amongst open grown trees in Great Britain.
There are around 170 million oak trees in UK woodland and almost 1 million in London alone!
The UK’s iconic oak trees face a fight for survival against multiple pests and diseases that have the potential to devastate the oak population.
These threats include:
Oak processionary moth
Acute oak decline
Xylella fasitidiosa
Root-attacking species of honey fungus
Powdery mildews
Losing oak trees from our landscape will impact our well-being, economy, environment and the species that depend on them.
Research and monitoring has begun but we must do more to ensure we protect our majestic oak trees for future generations to enjoy.
Our iconic oak trees face a fight for survival against multiple pests and diseases that have the potential to devastate the oak population.
Raising awareness for the UK's native oak trees and the important role they play in our landscapes. We work hard to share findings with practitioners to help grow healthier, stronger trees.

Support us
Action Oak brings together representatives from charities, landowners and government to develop a coordinated plan to identify and tackle issues threatening our native oak trees.
With your support, Action Oak will protect our iconic trees for future generations.