Oak Day

Oak Day is an Action Oak initiated, targeted day of awareness raising for Oak Trees native to the UK, which falls within National Tree Week.

A prominent tree across history for the UK’s flora, fauna & human population, the benefits of our native Oak trees have been felt far and wide, from the biodiversity they support to the livelihoods of the people who rely on them.

What would the loss of such a prominent tree mean for the species and people who rely on them?

This question isn’t just hypothetical, the threat to Oak trees has grown considerably.
With existing and emerging pests & diseases, and the growing climate emergency, the time for Action is now.

Oak Day 2023

Oak Day 2023 took place during National Tree Week on 30th November.

Oak Day resources

We created some resources to help you with your oak-themed content. Please find our 'Oak Prompt Sheet' below.

Image by Georgina Colman on behalf of Woodland Heritage & Action Oak

Support us

Our iconic oak trees face a fight for survival against pests and diseases. Losing oak trees from our landscape would impact our well-being, economy and environment.

With your support, Action Oak will protect our iconic trees for future generations.