Action Oak Annual Report 2022-23
11th May, 2023
Our Annual Report is out!
Here, you can find an update on the Action Oak supported research. Action Oak works with partners to fund the vital research and monitoring needed to better understand the threats facing the UK's native Oak trees, enabling our partners to devise real solutions that allow us to safeguard the survival of our Oaks for generations to come.
“Oaks are the UK’s most iconic trees, and national symbol of strength and power. I cannot overstate the contribution our Oaks make to our landscapes, biodiversity, culture and the economy.”
The Action Oak Annual Report 2022-23 reflects on the collaborative research projects undertaken and shares the knowledge generated by leading researchers.
“These are exciting times for Action Oak and I want to thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working with you all over the next twelve months.”
Head to the Resources page or download the pdf below to read the report in full.